
esball国际平台客户端 is consistently named a best-value college for our incredible return on investment. 我们与你一起工作,以确保在你和你的未来之间没有障碍. 发现我们可以帮助您负担得起大学生活的许多方法.


  • 学费:$ 58058
  • 费用:1340美元
  • 住房(平均):$10,176
  • 食物:8076美元
  • 书籍,课程材料,用品,设备:$1,560
  • 个人:900美元
  • 交通:1596美元
  • 贷款费用:68美元
  • 总成本:81,774美元


esball国际平台客户端学院点燃总统奖学金: This is a merit-based scholarship covering all tuition costs for one first-time student entering The Clarkson School. 如果学生选择留在esball国际平台客户端,他们将继续获得奖学金. The award can be received for a total of four years (eight semesters) of undergraduate study.


  • 首先, 申请esball国际平台客户端学校.
  • 第二个, on your Clarkson School Application Status Page apply for The Clarkson School Ignite Presidential Fellows program by April 15. We welcome you to submit a 2- to 3-minute video OR a 250-300 word statement on the following topic: esball国际平台客户端学校的学生通过提早进入大学来追求他们的激情. 你会给esball国际平台客户端学校带来什么样的激情和兴趣? 你将如何积极影响esball国际平台客户端学校社区?
  • Five (5) finalists will be selected and invited to interview before final decisions are made.
  • esball国际平台客户端学院学者奖: This award is given by a participating high school guidance counselor to a student during his/her junior year. 该奖项提供25美元,000年/ 100美元,000 total and can be used for up to four years while attending The Clarkson School and esball国际平台客户端. Eligible students must be in an accelerated high school program and have maintained a 平均绩点 of 93 or higher or are ranked in the top 15% of their class. 提交截止日期为4月15日.**
  • esball国际平台客户端学校优异奖: This award is available based solely on prior 学术 success and promise of future achievement. 这个学生必须得2分.0 cumulative average at the end of the spring semester to continue receiving the award for the following years.**
  • esball国际平台客户端学校助学金: 这项资助主要基于经济需要和学术成就. This award is renewed each year based on the Free Application for Federal Student 援助 (FAFSA).The student must remain in good 学术 standing at Clarkson to continue receiving the award for the following years.


This award goes to select high school seniors who have completed three of the five Project Lead the Way courses in their high school. 我们每年向10名学生颁发2000美元的奖学金.


  • 高中平均成绩不低于88分
  • 完成esball国际平台客户端入学申请
  • 完成esball国际平台客户端项目领导奖学金申请
  • 提交 an official high school transcript confirming completion of at least three Project Lead the Way courses
  • Provide one letter of recommendation from a teacher or advisor in your Project Lead the Way program

联邦、州和机构援助每年发放一次. It is based on full time enrollment (12 credits per semester) in both the Fall and Spring semesters. 如果一个学生没有在一个学期注册, 奖学金将按一个学期的出勤率按比例发放, i.e. 年度奖励金额的一半. 学生不能在一个学期内获得全年总金额. 

SAGE学费奖励 (Savings and Growth for Education) is a unique, private college savings program. Tuition Rewards are discounts off tuition at participating colleges that represent the minimum scholarship that an eligible student will receive if attending a member college. Students receive Tuition Rewards from multiple "sponsors" (for example, parents and grandparents). A sponsor designates the tuition rewards to students when they begin their senior year of high school. 如果学生不使用学费奖励, 它们会被转回担保人的账户,供其他学生使用. esball国际平台客户端将学费奖励作为普通机构奖学金和优秀奖学金的一部分. 有关SAGE学费奖励的更多信息,请访问 http://secure.tuitionrewards.com/index.cfm. Clarkson must receive confirmation from SAGE of your Tuition Rewards by February 1 of your Senior Year of high school.

The 荣誉项目 offers unique 学术 challenges and experiential learning opportunities to prepare esball国际平台客户端’s most promising students to lead fulfilling lives and to drive positive change in science, 技术, 和社会. 荣誉课程的入学竞争非常激烈,需要单独申请. 了解更多esball国际平台客户端荣誉课程的申请流程.

Students interested in the 荣誉项目 must complete the 荣誉项目 application in addition to the regular admissions requirements for esball国际平台客户端. 荣誉的优先截止日期是2月1日. 欢迎早期申请,并在申请完成后进行审核.


这个项目是为高成就的科德角高中学生准备的. 该计划提供50美元,000奖学金——12美元,每年500美元, esball国际平台客户端四年的本科学习.


  • 提交完整的esball国际平台客户端入学申请
  • 提交海因策尔曼学者计划申请材料, 包括一篇短文或视频提交
  • 就读于马萨诸塞州科德角地区的一所高中

联邦、州和机构援助每年发放一次. It is based on full time enrollment (12 credits per semester) in both the Fall and Spring semesters. 如果一个学生没有在一个学期注册, 奖学金将按一个学期的出勤率按比例发放, i.e. 年度奖励金额的一半. 学生不能在一个学期内获得全年总金额. 


Awards based on strong potential for success and the recommendation from a Clarkson alumnus/alumna. 奖金每年500美元无论推荐信的数量多少,学生只能获得一个奖项. We suggest students contact alumni who know enough about them to provide a meaningful reference. Recommendation letters must be submitted by February 1 of the student's senior year (December 1 for early decision applicants).

如果你在入学申请表上注明你有一个兄弟, 妹妹, 阿姨, 叔叔, 或是在esball国际平台客户端上学的表亲, 你可能有资格获得500美元的奖学金. 无论你有多少校友家庭成员,你都只能获得一个奖学金.

如果你在入学申请表上注明你有母亲, 父亲, 祖父, 或是在esball国际平台客户端上学的祖母, 你可能有资格获得1000美元的奖学金. You can only receive one 校友遗产奖 no matter how many alumni family connections you have.



有关融资方案的概述,请索取我们的财务规划包的副本 newstudentfa@imomoew.com,其中包含以下信息:

  • esball国际平台客户端的付款计划
  • 联邦学生贷款
  • 联邦母公司贷款
  • 另类学生贷款


我们鼓励你申请额外的奖学金. 如果你获得了外部奖学金,我们不会减少我们的奖学金/助学金, 除非你所有来源的奖学金总额超过esball国际平台客户端的学费. 请注意, ROTC scholarships are not designated as outside scholarships and your Clarkson School awards may be adjusted to accommodate room and board incentives.



如果你有经济上的需要, 由FAFSA确定, 你有资格在联邦工作学习计划下工作. 你将有机会在校园内外的不同地点寻找工作. Federal 工作研究 money is allocated to the University by the 联邦政府 and jobs are contingent upon funding.  一旦你找到了工作,你就会被添加到学校的工资单上,每两周用支票支付一次.

如果你不符合联邦工作学习的资格, 你可能会被考虑参加大学工作计划,在校园工作.

一旦你来到校园,了解更多esball国际平台客户端学生就业的信息 查看当前职位列表.


联邦政府为上大学或职业学校的学生提供助学金. 大多数类型的补助金, 不同于贷款, 免费资金的来源通常不需要偿还吗. 如果你对助学金或任何联邦学生援助感兴趣,首先提交一份 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA®)表格.

拨款可以来自 联邦政府, 你所在的州政府,你的大学或职业学校,或私人或非营利组织.  美国.S. 教育部(ED)为学生提供各种联邦助学金. 请查看资助计划的更多细节,并了解如何申请:

New York Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) and Scholarships are available for students that meet residence, 收入, 学术, 或者其他要求, 由州法律规定.  如果你来自纽约州, 一旦你完成FAFSA, your information will be forwarded to the 纽约州高等教育服务公司oration (NYSHESC).  如果你以前从未获得过州奖, 或者nyshec是否需要更多信息, 您将收到一份快速TAP申请.

估计的NYS TAP奖励可能包括在你的经济援助奖励的一部分, 然而,国家的通知是你的官方批准的奖励.  Some students may also be selected for state-sponsored awards such as the Academic Excellence Scholarship or the NYS Leaders of Tomorrow award.  



Admission applicants applying for Tuition Exchange at esball国际平台客户端 should see the Tuition Exchange Liaison at the exporting school for direction on how to apply. esball国际平台客户端的学费交换没有保证,而且竞争非常激烈. We typically receive approximately 75 applications but are only able to offer 8-10 TE Grants to incoming students. 优先考虑提前决定申请人. esball国际平台客户端 offers the TE set rate of $43,000 (2025-26) to Tuition Exchange recipients. esball国际平台客户端还提供2美元的学费交换奖学金,000- $10,除了设定的费率外,还需支付000英镑. These recipients are not eligible for any other esball国际平台客户端 funded scholarships or grants. Recipients may file the FAFSA in order to be considered for additional Federal and State need-based assistance. 选择交换学生时, esball国际平台客户端考察了包括入学申请在内的许多因素, 平均绩点, SAT或ACT成绩, 课外活动, 并表现出对大学的兴趣. 面试不是必需的,但强烈建议面试. 如有任何问题或疑虑,请通过edumers@clarkson联系Erin Dumers.edu.